Thursday, June 18, 2009

Korea is Changing Me

Korea amazes me...
how it's changed over the years,
how it's become a world's recognized giant,
how it works so hard to be the best,
how it stays awake 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week,
how it just doesn't fail to show me more and more each day...

Korea is changing me...
how it pushes Me to work so hard toward my goals,
how it forces Me to stay awake as long as humanly possible,
how it takes me around to show off its limitless boundaries...

The faces of my Korean students that I see each day humble me greatly.
The hours they put into studying multiple subjects in and outside of their school,
The seriousness they have toward their "job" as a student,
The innocense they have toward life, yet the mature attitudes they carry on their shoulders.

"Lazy Libra..." BH likes to call me...
Well, this lazylibra doesn't sleep until 5am nowadays, trying to make sure all work's done.
She has a job to run to during the day, and a business to run at night.

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